branch. The latest version is v0.17.66.
gqlgen can be configured using a gqlgen.yml
file, by default it will be loaded from the current directory, or any parent directory.
As an example, here is the default configuration file generated with gqlgen init
# Where are all the schema files located? globs are supported eg src/**/*.graphqls
- graph/*.graphqls
# Where should the generated server code go?
package: graph
layout: single-file # Only other option is "follow-schema," ie multi-file.
# Only for single-file layout:
filename: graph/generated.go
# Only for follow-schema layout:
# dir: graph
# filename_template: "{name}.generated.go"
# Optional: Maximum number of goroutines in concurrency to use per child resolvers(default: unlimited)
# worker_limit: 1000
# Comment or remove this section to skip Apollo Federation support
filename: graph/federation.go
package: graph
version: 2
computed_requires: true
# Where should any generated models go?
filename: graph/model/models_gen.go
package: model
# Optional: Pass in a path to a new gotpl template to use for generating the models
# model_template: [your/path/model.gotpl]
# Where should the resolver implementations go?
package: graph
layout: follow-schema # Only other option is "single-file."
# Only for single-file layout:
# filename: graph/resolver.go
# Only for follow-schema layout:
dir: graph
filename_template: "{name}.resolvers.go"
# Optional: turn on to not generate template comments above resolvers
# omit_template_comment: false
# Optional: Pass in a path to a new gotpl template to use for generating resolvers
# resolver_template: [your/path/resolver.gotpl]
# Optional: turn on to avoid rewriting existing resolver(s) when generating
# preserve_resolver: false
# Optional: turn on use ` + "`" + `gqlgen:"fieldName"` + "`" + ` tags in your models
# struct_tag: json
# Optional: turn on to use []Thing instead of []*Thing
# omit_slice_element_pointers: false
# Optional: turn on to omit Is<Name>() methods to interface and unions
# omit_interface_checks : true
# Optional: turn on to skip generation of ComplexityRoot struct content and Complexity function
# omit_complexity: false
# Optional: turn on to not generate any file notice comments in generated files
# omit_gqlgen_file_notice: false
# Optional: turn on to exclude the gqlgen version in the generated file notice. No effect if `omit_gqlgen_file_notice` is true.
# omit_gqlgen_version_in_file_notice: false
# Optional: turn on to exclude root models such as Query and Mutation from the generated models file.
# omit_root_models: false
# Optional: turn on to exclude resolver fields from the generated models file.
# omit_resolver_fields: false
# Optional: turn off to make struct-type struct fields not use pointers
# e.g. type Thing struct { FieldA OtherThing } instead of { FieldA *OtherThing }
# struct_fields_always_pointers: true
# Optional: turn off to make resolvers return values instead of pointers for structs
# resolvers_always_return_pointers: true
# Optional: turn on to return pointers instead of values in unmarshalInput
# return_pointers_in_unmarshalinput: false
# Optional: wrap nullable input fields with Omittable
# nullable_input_omittable: true
# Optional: set to speed up generation time by not performing a final validation pass.
# skip_validation: true
# Optional: set to skip running `go mod tidy` when generating server code
# skip_mod_tidy: true
# Optional: if this is set to true, argument directives that
# decorate a field with a null value will still be called.
# This enables argumment directives to not just mutate
# argument values but to set them even if they're null.
call_argument_directives_with_null: true
# This enables gql server to use function syntax for execution context
# instead of generating receiver methods of the execution context.
# use_function_syntax_for_execution_context: true
# Optional: set build tags that will be used to load packages
# go_build_tags:
# - private
# - enterprise
# Optional: set to modify the initialisms regarded for Go names
# go_initialisms:
# replace_defaults: false # if true, the default initialisms will get dropped in favor of the new ones instead of being added
# initialisms: # List of initialisms to for Go names
# - 'CC'
# - 'BCC'
# gqlgen will search for any type names in the schema in these go packages
# if they match it will use them, otherwise it will generate them.
# - "{{.}}/graph/model"
# This section declares type mapping between the GraphQL and go type systems
# The first line in each type will be used as defaults for resolver arguments and
# modelgen, the others will be allowed when binding to fields. Configure them to
# your liking
# gqlgen provides a default GraphQL UUID convenience wrapper for
# but you can override this to provide your own GraphQL UUID implementation
# The GraphQL spec explicitly states that the Int type is a signed 32-bit
# integer. Using Go int or int64 to represent it can lead to unexpected
# behavior, and some GraphQL tools like Apollo Router will fail when
# communicating numbers that overflow 32-bits.
# You may choose to use the custom, built-in Int64 scalar to represent 64-bit
# integers, or ignore the spec and bind Int to graphql.Int / graphql.Int64
# (the default behavior of gqlgen). This is fine in simple use cases when you
# do not need to worry about interoperability and only expect small numbers.
Everything has defaults, so add things as you need.
Inline config with directives
gqlgen ships with some builtin directives that make it a little easier to manage wiring.
To start using them you first need to define them:
directive @goModel(
model: String
models: [String!]
forceGenerate: Boolean
directive @goField(
forceResolver: Boolean
name: String
omittable: Boolean
directive @goTag(
key: String!
value: String
Here be dragons
gqlgen doesnt currently support user-configurable directives for SCALAR, ENUM, INTERFACE or UNION. This only works for internal directives. You can track the progress here
Now you can use these directives when defining types in your schema:
type User @goModel(model: "") {
id: ID! @goField(name: "todoId")
name: String!
@goField(forceResolver: true)
@goTag(key: "xorm", value: "-")
@goTag(key: "yaml")
# This make sense when autobind activated.
type Person @goModel(forceGenerate: true) {
id: ID!
name: String!
The builtin directives goField
, goModel
and goTag
are automatically registered to skip_runtime
. Any directives registered as skip_runtime
will not exposed during introspection and are used during code generation only.
If you have created a new code generation plugin using a directive which does not require runtime execution, the directive will need to be set to skip_runtime
e.g. a custom directive called constraint
would be set as skip_runtime
using the following configuration
# custom directives which are not exposed during introspection. These directives are
# used for code generation only
skip_runtime: true